⚡ AI-Powered legal service
⚡ AI-Powered legal service

Legal protection in 2 min.

Legal protection in 2 min.

Unlock the secrets of legal documents with AI-assisted document reader

Unlock the secrets of any legal document with AI-assisted document reader

Let the numbers talk!

We protect for more than +15.000 peoples


types of documents supports


languages understand


takes to make legal opinion


starting price
📱 lawyer in your pocket

Hints and warnings about the document as if your lawyer is right next to you

Just take a picture of the document and AI will immediately tell you what conditions to be wary of

See the risk
Legal Shell app helps you make informed decisions and avoid potential legal disputes or consequences in the future.
Things to remember
Navigate the legal complexities associated with documents and be sure you are better prepared to meet your legal obligations
Negotiate the best
Legal Shell app highlights problematic clauses that may need to be revised or added to reach a mutually agreement

Take a photo

Even if it seems to you that the terms of the contract suit you, do not hesitate to spend two minutes and take a picture of it

Take a photo

Even if it seems to you that the terms of the contract suit you, do not hesitate to spend two minutes and take a picture of it

Or upload PDF

Artificial intelligence will examine any multi-page legal document just in a few seconds

Or upload PDF

Artificial intelligence will examine any multi-page legal document just in a few seconds

Get a legal opinion

You will receive quick and accurate legal advice, even if you do not have the time or resources to consult with a lawyer in person

get a legal opinion

you will receive quick and accurate legal advice, even if you do not have the time or resources to consult with a lawyer in person

🔎 No more hidden clauses

Uncover any contracts

With Legal Shell app you better understand complex legal language of the document you are asked to sign

Credit contract
You will navigate the complexities of credit contracts and understand all hidden legal obligations and the risks associated with the contract
Rental contract
Legal Shell app highlite you rights and obligations of landlords and tenants, payment terms, security deposits, renewals, and termination of the contract
We'll provide you key provisions and clauses, what types of information is confidential, how long is agreement in effect, and the consequences of it violating
Employment contract
With Legal Shell app you can make informed decisions when it comes to accepting a job or negotiating an employment agreement
Service contract
Our app explain legal implications of terms and conditions, as well as an assessment of the risks associated with each clause
License agreement
Legal Shell app can help you better understand rights and obligations, so you can make informed decisions when using products
Start right now

Affordable pricing for everyone

A detailed document with our app will save you a lot of money and not only on lawyers

For everyone


No credit card required

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Avoid psychological impact
Avoid psychological impact
If it says discount, this is not always so
Uncover true conditions
Uncover true conditions
Get quick and accurate legal advice